Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Even I get annoyed with a Bad Hair Day. . .

I actually woke up ON TIME this morning. I never do that LOL.

I had time to cook breakfast and eat without inhaling the food. And yea, I do cook myself breakfast everyday. I'm spoiled -- but if I don't then I get mean and grouchy. A complete bitch.

Though, despite the fact that I woke up on time today, my hair looks like a complete mess -- one of the very few things that annoy the shit out of me.
It should be easy enough to brush your hair and be cool. I didn't feel like pulling the shit up today -- BIG MISTAKE. It probably would have been the simple answer to my annoying problem.
Instead I'm at work looking like a hobo who just rolled out of bed.

And I didn't even do that THIS morning. WTF, dude?

This week is a confusing pile of crap, too. Thanksgiving is tomorrow (Happy Earlies, BTW), so I'm going to be cooking a mess of desserts tonight after my gym appointment(s). Irony???
Still trying to debate on what all I'm going to concoct. Brownies for sure, though I'm trying a new recipe so it may end in disaster. Sweet Carrot Cake Bars. . .what else?? I've got too much on my mind right now.

On top of the cooking and Thanksgiving itself, I have to map out my shopping plan for Black Friday.
Yea, I brave the crowds. Especially when there are a lot of good things going on this year.
My only problem is I want to buy a shit ton of stuff for myself. There is the most BA pair of boots on sale for 50% off at a fave spot -- W A N T.

The icing on the cake is a personal issue I'm having with a certain someone, one of which I can't quite explain due to my own confusion on the matter. Could be good, could be bad. . . . and I am honestly terribly afraid that it may be the latter.
BUT I am not a negative Nancy, so I'm keeping positive to see what goes down with the situation. Can't dwell on it forever, huh?

Besides all of my spilling, I hope anyone out there glancing over this has a Happy Holiday weekend -- Thank God this is the last day of work this week. I'm gonna need a long weekend.


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