Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gyms, Germs, Eye-Candy

I recently got back into going to the gym - Thank God.

After I dropped my baby weight after High School and slimmed up in my University's Rec Center, I thought I'd be all good. That's until my Senior year of College when I started to get overwhelmed with the shit-ton of work and realization that I was fixing to be done with the mess for good and probably shouldn't slack as much anymore.

Thus came the period of "not-as-much-gym-attempt-to-devote-most-of-life-to-school-work".
It sucked. I was pigging out as usual but was only in the gym 1/3 of the time I was used to so it was only a matter of time before I started feeling gooey again.
It didn't help that about 2.5 months before graduation some fuck-wad decides to rear-end me while I'm at a dead stop waiting to turn down my road -- did I mention he was going like, 60mph??

I don't drive a truck anymore - I had to say "goodbye and I love you" to my baby The Avvy (avalanche) a couple years ago due to my commute to school and work. So now I drive a Yaris (a.k.a. a peanut).
Don't get me wrong, I love him.
But its not really cool when a Dodge Diesel with a big ass brush guard rams up your ass at 60mph when you're stopped and completely not expecting it. My little bitty car got thrown off the road and flipped twice leaving me in a ditch hanging upside down.

Whenever I think back to the state of shock that I was in I laugh -- just because of how fucked up and miraculous it was that I survived it. Without even being able to cry, I reached down, unbuckled the seat-belt, flipped back over, and pried my drivers-side door open, seeing as the passengers side was smashed to hell.

The look on the dumb-ass's face was memorable. It was the look of "Holy Shit you're not dead!?" -- or at least that's how I'm going to categorize it.

To sum it up, the only blood loss I had was the slight bleeding in my hand from window glass (thank The Lord cuz I woulda' vomited everywhere if it was anything more). My back, however, is still fucked though not nearly as bad thanks to my gorgeous chiropractor (who I don't mind visiting regularly at ALL).

The wreck just added to my lack of Gym devotion. My chiropractor told me I wasn't allowed to use heavy weights or strain myself for a while. So, until graduation, I took it easy and rarely set foot in it. I could feel the goo even better now. I'm pretty sure I gained a good 8-10 pounds over that half a year without working out. No wonder I looked pretty hideous in a swim-suit this past Summer. Sick.

At the beginning of October, I signed my fat soul over to a Boot Camp course at my local gym. Although I knew it would kill me, I desperately wanted to get back into some-sort of "shape". It was a 6-week long course, 3-days a week of a good, hour-long, varied work out. I'll tell you, the first week, I couldn't walk straight - I waddled. No lie.
It was intense, but that's what I needed.
At the end of the 6-weeks, I toned so much muscle that my weight didn't change, but I dropped 5 inches. I could definitely tell, too. I look pretty darn good in my jeans ;)

And now I'm back in the gym, luckily with some of my amigas as well. Apparently my loss has made me popular and I'm the wanted gym-buddy now -- which is definitely nice.
I won't lie, I get intimidated at the gym with all of that testosterone flying around everywhere. I hate being that lonely chick working out by herself, looking lost. Cardio is one thing, I can't talk too well when I'm unable to breath anyways. But in the man-zone, I need a buddy.
It also gives me the excuse to check out the boys when it's her turn on reps.

I do feel more educated in gym-rules though, seeing as my girls rarely ever worked out.
For instance, I can't help but wonder how many germs are crawling on gym equipment after a big, sweaty dude walks off and forgets to wipe it down.
1st rule of the Gym : Wipe it twice.
You can never grab enough gym wipes. I bathe the machines down with these babies, and tell the amigas to do the same.
I mean, I know I basically sweat like a boy already -- so they have to sweat all over shit more than I do.

Main gym goal - stay trim for my little sister's wedding.
Going on a month and a half and I'm MOH so I've gotta look some-what hot. We'll see how it goes with 4+-days/week workouts. Gotta love getting buff.

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