Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Foul Frogs

For those of you who have not ever checked out, please do it. 
Guy, girl whoever. If you have any sense of humour, you'll find it rather entertaining.
Props to the creator.

I think that I have more of a dude-like sense of funnies, mainly because I can relate to quoting Will Ferrell movies and laughing my ass off at ridiculously dirty jokes (even though it makes me blush :/).
I'm far from the typical "girl", sorry about that.
But I have to say, there is a line between funny and kinda. . . well. Not funny?

To each his own, I suppose. Of course, I'm not talking about Foul Bachelor Frog, even if some of his quotes are well. . . a little out there.
Instead, I'm referring to the slightly embarrassing Foul Bachelorette Frog. (

Now, I won't go as far as saying it's completely revolting and not funny at all, because some of her posts do work up a little giggle or so (maybe). But come on, ladies. As much of a "not-girly-girl" as I am, you guys are just going way too far and should honestly be considered pigs.
Let me give you a little example :

This is as "G-rated" as I could post. . . I can't bring myself to copy anything about a chick's time-of-the-month and what a disgusting curse it is, since that's what half of this site is about. (vomit)
Like I said, to each his (or her) own -- if you wanna post your nasty habits on the net for other sickos to laugh about and compare, be my guest -- it's a free world.
I just hope to God any guys who read that page know that not ALL girls are like that. Maybe half of them are. . .  maybe. You chicks are giving decent girls like me a bad rap, dude.
And just saying, any guy who would think a girl with armpit hair is attractive, needs to stay away from me.

I'll stick with Mr. Foul Frog for now, he's much more entertaining.
Laugh My Fucking Ass Off.

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